

◎ 資料分享(15)>
英文腳本(8)>Falling Snow - Maureen Imperial
Falling Snow - Maureen Imperial
Falling Snow

I would like you to visualize, or imagine yourself in a very safe,
comfortable place looking out a window … a very large window that faces
a forest of majestic evergreens. You are taking in the beautiful green
color of the trees and looking up at the clouds that are now beginning
to fill the winter sky. This may be a scene that feels very familiar to
you, or a scene that you are visiting for the first time in your mind.
It really doesn't matter. You just know that when you look out that
window, at the beauty of nature, you feel very calm and very relaxed.

As you continue to gaze at this tranquil scene, you notice that a very
fine snow is beginning to fall. You feel so safe in your comfortable
place … gazing out at the falling snow. The longer you watch the flakes
coming down … down … down, the more and more relaxed you become. The
gently falling snow, coming down so slowly and so peacefully, causes
you to relax deeper … and deeper … and deeper.

As you watch the snow gently begin to cover the trees and the ground in
a blanket of pure white, you feel so comfortable … so peaceful and so
safe … as you drift even deeper and deeper into a wonderful state of
relaxation. You know that each time you enter hypnosis you will go
deeper and more quickly than you have before.

Now that you are so deeply relaxed, you will concentrate on my voice as
we go on …


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