

◎ 資料分享(15)>

Use preferred induction and deepener and continue with:
Allow your unconscious mind to remember a time from your past when you felt really confident - a time when you felt particularly proud and pleased with yourself for something that you had achieved. It doesn't matter what it was, or where it was, as long as you felt a good feeling afterwards.
(Pause for a minute to allow the subject to identify the memory).
Good, now I'd like you to be back there in that memory, experiencing that situation as it was; remember where you were, who was with you, what was said, how you felt. See or feel yourself back there in that situation where you felt good about yourself - nod your head when you're there.
Give that memory a name - a key word which identifies how you feel. And allow the picture to grow brighter and bigger, and those good feelings to grow stronger - as your unconscious mind memorizes those wonderful feelings, and take a long, slow deep breath in through your nose - and let go, whilst thinking your key word in your mind. (Pause).
Your key word and that long, slow deep breath are your post hypnotic conditioned response, and from now on, whenever you need to feel these confident feelings again, all you need to do is take that long, slow, deep breath, and repeat your key word in your mind as you let go of all the air, through your mouth. And as you do this, so you feel once more those wonderful feelings.
And now I'd like you to quieten your mind and see the images that I describe in your inner vision. Take yourself to a beautiful place in nature - out in the mountains where everything is fresh and green and lush and beautiful - and create it as a lovely, warm, summer day with a clear blue sky. Listen to the whispering of the mountains - a babbling brook and the sound of my voice, as you go deeper and deeper, into that lovely, calm, peaceful feeling. (Pause).
As you walk along the path you notice some steps leading up onto a bridge a little way ahead of you where the brook widens and the mountain becomes a little steeper - you approach the bridge with a confident feeling inside of you. You can do anything that you want to do.
Now imagine yourself crossing that bridge, from one side to the other, with that same calm, confident feeling. And remember your post hypnotic conditioned response. Whenever you want to feel even more calm, more confident and more in control, you simply take that long, slow, deep breath - in through your nose, and repeat your key word in your thoughts as you exhale all the air through your mouth in a long, slow breath.
As you reach the other side of the bridge you look down to see how far you've come - realizing that you've travelled a long, long way. Below you that babbling brook runs through the mountain only to reappear in a different place. The buildings have become smaller and more distant and way down there is the path that you've been traveling along. (Pause again for 2 minutes).
You've moved high up on the mountain now but there's still quite a distance to go as you continue your journey. From time to time you look back to see how far you've come, you realize you've climbed quite a height and this makes you feel good - it makes you feel confident and in control - and when you remember those old, uncomfortable feelings you can compare them to this feeling now of anticipation and mild excitement as you realize how you're progressing, advancing, moving forward into becoming totally in control of yourself, in control of your actions and reactions and more and more confident with yourself.
And you remember, anytime you need to, your post hypnotic conditioned response - that long, slow, deep breath - your key word - and that slow exhalation - realizing that you're breathing in calmness and relaxation - breathing out tension and anxiety - relaxing, feeling calm and confident and in control.
You're approaching the top of the mountain now - just a short way to go to the top. And as you look down to see the distance you've covered you realize that it's okay to keep just a little of that anxiety - it's healthy to keep just a little bit. But any more than that - you can let go - you keep just as much as is necessary for you - and any excess anxiety you let go of. Because from now on, you always approach situations with that calm and confident manner; always remembering to use your post hypnotic conditioned response whenever you want to feel even calmer and even more confident and even more relaxed.
Each and every time you practice your post hypnotic conditioned response you'll find that you feel calmer and more relaxed and much more confident. Allow these suggestions to penetrate deep into your subconscious mind and grow stronger and stronger as each day goes by.
In a moment I'm going to count up to five and at the count of five you'll be wide awake, refreshed and relaxed, with wonderful feelings flowing through your body, calm and peaceful thoughts flowing through your mind - and these lovely calm and peaceful thoughts and feelings will remain with you.


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