

◎ 資料分享(15)>
Imagine with me that you're strolling along on a beautiful, tropical island. It's a warm, sunny afternoon; the sky is a lovely shade of blue and the sea a startling shade of green-blue. The waves are dancing and splashing up to the shore and the soft white sand is warm underneath your bare feet.

And as you're slowly walking along on the soft white sand, you can feel the soft grains of sand between your toes, and you're taking in the beautiful view, the blue-green sea, the lovely white sand and the clear blue sky. And further along the beach and silhouetted against the blue sky are palm trees and perhaps you notice the deck chairs shaded with straw umbrellas. But there's no one else in sight, there's just the sound of birds singing some place in the distance. It's so calm here, and so peaceful. This is your paradise. Your own, very special, very private place, where you can come, and relax, at anytime you wish. Always remember that. You can come here any time that you want to - all with the power of your own mind - all you need to do is relax - relax - relax - and calm.

And I wonder if you can now imagine yourself sitting down here - finding a comfortable place to sit, on the sand. And as you find a comfortable place to sit, you can see the sea, and the sparkling sunlight is reflecting ripples on the sea - and everything is so calm - and so peaceful - and you take into yourself that calm and peaceful feeling - so calm, so peaceful - and so tranquil.

You're just sitting there, on the soft, white sand and you can smell the fresh salt sea air - you can taste the fresh, salt sea air. You can taste it in your lungs and on your lips - experience it now, that lovely fresh sea air, feel and experience that sea air. And you breathe in pure air. You breathe in pure air, deep into your lungs - experience it now - feel and experience that lovely fresh sea air and feel the freshness and strength that it brings to you. Breathe in that lovely, fresh sea air and just see how good it makes you feel.

And you're sitting there; just sitting there; listening to the sound of the waves dancing and splashing against the shore and the sound of the sea birds in the distance and you begin to feel a gentle breeze against your skin, and the sun, so warm, against your body, you can feel the light from the sun radiating around your body, warming you gently, all over your body.

Just feel the warmth from the sun now and imagine that you can direct the sunlight over your body, starting with both of your feet at the same time. Just direct the warmth from the sun over both of your feet at the same time, and then up your legs, your calves, your shins, your thighs,, your hips, your pelvic area and your stomach and chest. And move the heat up and down your body, down and up, up and down, and then let it flow on over the shoulders and into the back, and all the way down the back of the body, and up again back to the shoulders and down the arms to the tips of the fingers. And move the heat up and down the arms, down and up, up and down, and then let it flow on up into the neck, the throat and into the face, relaxing all of the facial muscles, and on up over the eyes and forehead into the crown of the head.

And now imagine the light from the heat of the sun entering the crown of the head and like a tornado soaring down the inside of the body, down and down and down and down.

Going deeper and deeper down. Deeper and deeper and deeper down. And the further down you go, the more relaxed and the more comfortable you become, until your entire body, from the top of the head all the way down to the tips of the toes are completely and totally relaxed.

And now I'm going to count down from ten to one and each number will take you deeper and deeper into complete relaxation. 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1. Proceed with suggestions.


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