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藥物知識(12)>Citalopram能安全有效地治療頑強的OCD - 國際厚生健康園區
Citalopram能安全有效地治療頑強的OCD - 國際厚生健康園區
作者:Laurie Barclay, MD
審閱:Gary D. Vogin醫師

  2002年9月23日─發表在9月份《the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry》的一篇嚴重開放式靜脈注射citalopram可以安全有效地治療頑強的強迫症(obsessive compulsive disorder OCD)患者。而安慰劑控制的雙盲試驗是現在必須執行的。
  義大利佛羅倫斯Istituto di Neuroscienze研究所的Stefano Pallanti醫師及其同事指出,早期出現的反應意指能加速症狀的緩解,並且能夠預測口服citalopram治療之反應的方法。
  此次開放性試驗中,39位門診成人患者接受21天每日靜脈注射citalopram的治療,隨後口服citalopram治療,直到第84天。所有患者都有一年的中到重度的DSM-IV型OCD,並且除citalopram外的兩次SSRIs口服試驗中,都未能有很好的療效。最初citalopram靜脈給藥的劑量是每日20 mg,採用滴定測量直到能夠耐受每日40-80 mg的劑量。本試驗的退出率為2.6%。

Citalopram Appears Safe, Effective In Refractory OCD

By Laurie Barclay, MD
Medscape Medical News

Sept. 23, 2002 — In an open trial reported in the September issue of the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, citalopram given intravenously was safe and rapidly effective in treating patients with refractory obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). A placebo-controlled, double-blind trial of this selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) is now indicated.

"The early onset of response suggests a means of accelerating OCD symptom relief and predicting response to oral citalopram treatment," write Stefano Pallanti, MD, from the Istituto di Neuroscienze in Florence, Italy, and colleagues.

In this open-label trial, 39 adult outpatients received intravenous citalopram administered daily for 21 days, followed by oral citalopram until treatment day 84. All subjects had moderate-to severe DSM-IV OCD of one year's duration and had failed at least two trials of oral SSRIs excluding citalopram. Initial dose of intravenous citalopram was 20 mg/day, titrated upward to 40-80 mg/day as tolerated. Dropout rate was 2.6%.

After three weeks of intravenous treatment, 23 (59%) of patients had decreases in Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale of at least 25%, including four patients (10%) with decreases of at least 35%. Decreases of at least 20% were seen in 27 patients (69%), all of whom continued on treatment with oral citalopram and had substantial further improvement by day 84, including significant improvement in several dimensions of quality of life.

"The benefits of intravenous treatment can be maintained and extended by subsequent treatment with oral citalopram," the authors write. "A double-blind, double-dummy design that compares intravenous citalopram, oral citalopram, and intravenous and oral placebo in treatment-resistant OCD is warranted."

J Clin Psychiatry. 2002;63(9):796-801

Reviewed by Gary D. Vogin, MD


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