

◎ 資料分享(15)>

We both know now that you can scare your self, because you have an active mind ,and  a  reactive  body, and if you think that scary thing even for a brief moment it has been scaring you.


But we also both know that there are other things you can think that are comfortable and calming,relaxing and reassuring thoughts or images that you can use instead to replace those other thoughts, to help yourself relax to maintain that relaxed, calm feeling.


You can let your unconscious mind learn all it needs to know to be able to distract you from those scary thoughts,to be able to provide you with those relaxing thoughts.


And I think you will enjoy being happily  unconcerned, unable to remember to worry in exactly the same way or at the same time .


So from now on ,when you enter that situation, you can enter it knowing you’ re protected and can tell that part of you that tries to do its job by telling you that  there are things to be afraid of  here, that you really don’t need it anymore, and so it can either go away or find a different game to play, and remind you instead of  the   good things that might happen here, or the fun things that might occur later, because those old thoughts and fears aren’t useful anymore.


So you can relax and forget it and go on about your business,surprised to discover, perhaps,that you have been thinking about something else entirely and you will know at that point ,deep down in every cell of your body, that you won’t ever have to feel that again,that it is over and done with,more rapidly than you expected, not as soon as you would have liked.


You can do it now, and  you can do it later.

You can frighten yourself with that thought, or you can calmly relax yourself with a different  thought.


That’s right,so practice and choose, it all belongs to you.

(Go to trance termination sequence.)

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