

◎ 資料分享(15)>

It is easy to pay close attention to things that are wrong.


It is easy to be a critic to find fault with everything.

It is easy to not like yourself, or to not trust yourself to be ok.

It is harder to have the courage, to see things in a different light.

It is harder to take a risk and to enjoy yourself,your life, and other people.

It is easy to find reasons to not feel good,to not feel comfortable,to hide from oneself and others.

It is hard just to say what the heck,to not care what anyone thinks


It is hard to give yourself permission, to feel good no matter what, or is it?

Maybe it is easy, maybe it is easy to do but you have been afraid to do it,

because you do know how and you can do it now,

but sometimes is feels wrong, to really believe you are ok.

When you might be wrong but who is to say.

and so from now on,


I want you to know it’s O.K.to do that crazy thing ,to let yourself feel that way .

You can do it now,today,and you can do it tomorrow.


You can see what is O.K. about you and what you do.

You can see those things quite clearly,and feel quite comfortable too.


You can alter your mind and alter your mood,even if you have to pretend, for a while,that this new way of thinking and feeling is because of something you took or something that was done to you and you really can’t help it , that’s just the way you feel,confident, happy and pleased,until that feeling becomes real.

So do it now, or just let your unconscious do it for you ,so you don’t have to know what’s gotten into you when your whole way of  thinking about you ---changes!(Go to trance termination sequence.)


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